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Optical frame
Optical frame
Optical frame

顯示第 37 至 46 項結果,共 46 項


光學鏡架不是常規或普通款式。 BIG HORN 光學鏡架從不只為必需品,應該為時尚、生活方式和街頭時尚而存在。 無論您是否需要帶鏡框的處方鏡片。 您可以隨時隨地使用它們。 永遠不要感到孤獨。

  • 什麼是光學眼鏡?

    An optical frame is the frame that holds the lenses of a pair of glasses. It's the part of glasses that sits on your face, and it's available in a variety of styles, sizes, and materials.
    Some key things to know about optical frames:

    • They are available in different shapes like round, oval, rectangular, etc. to suit different face shapes.
    • Common frame materials include plastic, metal, and acetate. Plastic and acetate tend to be more affordable while metal frames are often more durable and adjustable.
    • The size of the frames is important for proper fit and comfort. Frames that are too large or too small can be uncomfortable and affect how glasses sit on the face.
    • Additional features like hinges, nose pads, and arm details can affect the look, feel, and functionality of glasses frames.
  • 光學眼鏡材料

    它們還可以由不同的材料製成,如不銹鋼、鈦、醋酸酯等,提供不同程度的耐用性和舒適度。 許多光學眼鏡還有可調節的鼻墊和模板手臂,以幫助確保舒適和牢固的佩戴感。 有些光學眼鏡還具有額外的功能,如彈簧鉸鏈或夾式太陽眼鏡,使它們更具多用性和方便性。 sunglasses, to make them more versatile and convenient to wear.

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